Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Glenn Beck Compares Fox News to Jews During The Holocaust

I can't imagine that anybody intelligent watches or listens to Glenn Beck except as they might watch the Jerry Springer Show to see how unbelieveably ignorant some people are.  I don't think Beck is stupid enough to believe what he says but does he think that his audience is stupid enough to believe him?

From Huffington Post: Leave it to Glenn Beck to take things too far. On his radio show Tuesday Beck drew a rather over-the-top analogy between, of all things, Fox News and Jewish persecution during the Holocaust. The basis for this comparison was the White House's recent criticism of Fox News' reporting, in which it called the network "the communications arm of the Republican Party" and said that its reporting style is more opinion than straight news. Beck suggested that the campaign against Fox was only the beginning of a full on assault by the Obama administration against the press.  Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/13/glenn-beck-compares-fox-n_n_318784.html

1 comment:

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Beck is a caricature of himself.